Things you didn’t know about your baby’s cord blood

Image for “Things you didn’t know about your baby’s cord blood”, CReATe Cord Blood & Peristem Cell Bank

Parents-to-be are usually bombarded with information about the different products and services they must purchase to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. From prenatal vitamins to genetic testing, the list seems endless and it can be overwhelming and exhausting for new parents. In addition, parents may often start looking into long term planning and debate options for life insurance, RESP’s and…. whether or not to save their baby’s cord blood.

As with all important decisions, we should carefully research the subject and educate ourselves on the options and merits of cord blood and tissue stem cell banking, before making an informed decision. If you are considering cord blood and tissue stem cell banking, it is important to consider these six facts about Cord Blood and Tissue stem cells.